Kaizar Second Life
My first blogspot from middle 2007 to early 2008.

guy confessions

[X] I play video games.

[X] I wear boxers to bed.
[ ] I've thrown rocks at a girl's window.
[ ] I've drank because I felt like it.
[ ] I still beat my buddies up.
[ ] But, of course, they never beat me up.
[ ] I drive a truck/SUV.
[X] My friends and I make fun of each other.
[ ] I drive some type of car.
[ ] I have a job.
[X] I currently have a girlfriend.
[X] My girlfriend is better than yours.
[X] I think about a girl.
[ ] Girls are complicated.
[ ] I'm cocky.
[X] I've forgotten to return a phone call to a girl...or a few.
[X] I'd do anything for my girl.
[X] i tend to be shy around girls.
[ ] I've acted like an ass on purpose.
[X] I've been flashed before.
[ ] I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
[X] I play hard to get.
[X] I aspire to one day be like the guys from Old School
[X] I'm in love.
[X] I've honked at a girl going down the road.
[X] I've hit on a girl in public.
[X] I've asked a hot girl for her number that I just met.
[ ] Sports overrule everything.
[ ] I like death/grind/black metal.
[ ] I like rock music.
[ ] I like rap music
[ ] I like techno only at parties
[ ] I've been expelled.
[ ] I've gotten detention.
[ ] I have a tattoo.
[ ] I smoke entirely too much.
[X] I respect what she has to say.
[X] And yes, I care about how her day went.


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